Gasteria Glomerata

Gasteria Glomerata: stemless plant, offseting from the base and forming small clusters, inflorescence 20 cm long with pinkish red flowers, native from South Africa.
Gasteria Liliputana: Native from South Africa and Namibia. Belongs to the lilaceae family. Fan shape leaves in two rows, they are very small and very attractive; leaves are white speckled.

Gasteria Plant Care: very easy, needs a sunny or shady spot, water regularly in summer, in the winter keep rather dry, soil should have good drainage.

Haworthia Attenuata: Native of South Africa. This plant forms groups of small rosettes from longish pointy leaves with tubercles, which flow together in horizontal bands.
Haworthia Fasciata: Native of South Africa. The rosettes of this species are stem less 7 cm in diameter, numerous green leaves with white tubercles arranged in distinct transverse bands, inflorescence 40 cm tall, reddish-white flowers with brown veins.
Haworthia Reinwardii: Native from South Africa. Belongs to the liliaceae family. The rosettes are elongated up to 6 " tall and 2 " in diameter, they are green with whitish tubercles, the flowers are pinkish white with grayish brown veins. They are many species.
Haworthia Coarctata: Native of South Africa. This plant grows in rows, the rosette keeps on growing on the top, forming rows. It is also know by the name haworthia chalwinii.
Haworthia Retusa: Native from South Africa. Belongs to the liliaceae family. Rosettes are stem less can grow up to 6 " in diameter, forming clumps. The leaves are green shiny, turning to reddish -brown when in full sun, the flowers are white with green veins.
Haworthia Truncata: Native of South Africa. This is one of the species with window leaves. The leaves look as if they have been sharply cut off at the ends and they are arranged like a fan, not a rosette. The surface is warty and the blunt end is transparent.

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